Tuesday, 20 October 2009

It's fun to be a lemming

And it's fun to do costume memmes too.

1. What was your first costume?
My first was when I did the costumes for the play The Marriage of Figaro. I was 20 and had a lot of ideas, a clear view of what I wanted, very small sewing skills and absolutely none when it came to pattern cutting. Add a budget that wasn’t even small, it was diminutive, sp there was no money or skills to make proper 18th century underpinnings. Still, I felt that I managed an 18th century air and it was lots of fun.
Yes, it’s me in the front looking so grim.


First costume I made just for me was an 18th century blue jacket and petticoat in linen/cotton with pink details in 2001. It was a lot of fun as I used one of the jackets in Janet Arnold- in fact the very same pattern I had used for the play I just mentioned. So it was fun to make it with stays and hoops and see how it was supposed to turn out.

2. Did someone get you into costuming? Or on your own?
All on my own. As a child I always loved the clothes in costume movies and longed to have such clothes myself..

3. What is your favorite costume?
My red pet-en-l’air. I always feel very pretty when I wear it.

4. Which is your least favorite costume?
The horror of a polonaise I did when I was dead broke. The cut was good, but all the dead dino… I just wore it once and over my very first pair of stays that fitted me horribly.

5. At conventions, do people compliment you on your costumes?
I never been to a convention, but I do get compliments at events..

6. How many have you done?
Just for myself, not that many, as I sew rather slowly. But ten completed outfits. And six pair of stays…

7. What are the top 6 on your list of "Want to Costume!"
In no particular order; finish my embroidered polonaise. A 1870-ish steampunk outfit. An early 16th century German gown. A 1660’s gown. A 1910 evening gown. An 1860’s day dress.

8. What female costume do you want to do most?
One of above, but which one depends on my mood.

9. What male?
An 18th century waistcoat with ribbon embroidery.

10. What do you prefer to do, make or buy your costumes?

11. Your most memorable experience? What makes it so memorable?
When Gustafs Skål had their tenth anniversary we had a party at <the Echo temple at Haga. Late at night a friend and I was sitting under an old oak inside it, looking it. People were dancing inside, and the temple was lit by torched. It was a truly magical moment, looking in. A moment of time-travel.

12. Your dream costume?
Too many to count!

13. Is there a pattern in your costuming? If so, what?
I like to wear costumes that could have been worn in Sweden at the time. Luckily for me there are books with patterns taken from extant garments in Sweden. And that is why I want to make a German 16th century gown and not an Italian, as Germany was the big cultural influence in Sweden at the time.

14. Your most recent costume?
My white 1797’s gown.

15. What do you prefer? Cosplaying in a group or on your own?
I don’t really get what cosplay is, actually. But I prefer wear my costumes in a group of likeminded.


The Dreamstress said...

I love that blue Janet Arnold jacket! You look great in it!

Isis said...

Thank you! It could fit me better, but I'm still pleased with it.

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