The first eight month of 2009 was dominated by an extremely stressful and tiring job, and that really struck hard on my creativity. But I did finish 2 things and worked on even more. Here’s my list of what I finished, what’s going on- and what I plan to do next year.
# The largest project was the 1797’s gown. I’m really very pleased with it. The last decade of the 18th century has really grown on me this past year.

# A large 18th century hat. A fun and quick project.

Works in process (that I’ve actually worked on this year
# La Folie. It’s “almost” completed, i.e. I can wear it, but it needs to be spruced up. Like more bells, more decorations in blue, a lined collar and a nifty little cap.

# Two modern wool skirts that just need closure and ne hemmed.

# Gustaf III’s national gown. I’ve done very little- just the petticoat without the decorations…
# The outfit for the 12th Nigh ball. The jacket is done, but I need to hem and pleat the skirt and add decorations and I need to sew the sash and the reticule together.
# The embroidered polonaise. I think I started this project in 2004 and worked on it on and off. Now I’m almost done with the embroideries on the actual gown. The petticoat is sewn together, but not embroidered yet.

# An 1870’s overbust. The mock-up is fitted, but I need to buy a longer busk before I can start on it. I’ve also almost completed a modern underbust in black velvet.

Plans for 2010
I’ve long felt the need to branch out from the 18th century and I hope to do that a bit this year.
Your Wardrobe Unlock’d has by vote decided to focus on the 1876-1882 and 1770-1789. Unfortunately none of the periods *I* wanted, but I’ve decided to try to do something in both competitions. The national gown fits in very neatly in that period and though I doubt I have any chance to win with son many talented people doing the 18th century, I think it would be a nice chance to show something uniquely Swedish. I also desperately need new 18th century underwear, chemise, pocket hoops and stays. The 19th century period chosen is probably the one that interests me the least, but that is probably because I know extremely little about is.
I also want to make a medieval gown (see previous post), but need to decide on what century first. And I would love to do an early 16th century German gown. And I really want to make a Steampunk outfit! And I’ve no doubt that I will come up with other things to do as well…
I don’t do New years resolutions, but I will try to do one thing; Not buy fabric until I really need it. So, no fabric hoarding in 2010. Think I will make it?