To make it a bit more visible for myself and as a warning example for others, here are my UFOs:
The embroidered polonaise, ca 1770 My eternal project...
Candy-floss pink jacket, ca 1789 I could finish this over a weekend- the lining is halfway done, then it just need the green trim and a stomacher.
18th century banyan for my darling. All the pieces are cut out.
Robe de cour in white velvet. Need to be done for an event in March.
Embroidered linen blouse, ca 1910 The embroidery is finished, I just need to sew it together
1660s gown The boned foundations is done, I just need to cover it with silk.
1960’s green wool dress Everything is cut out, just needs sewing together.
1950’s maroon wool skirt Needs waistband and hemming.
1940’s swing dress Just the hemming left.
Victorian bustle Needs hemming and a waistband.
I also have fabric and patterns for two 50’s summer dresses, a purple 1640’s gown, an early 16th century German gown in black wool and probably a lot more that I can’t recall right now. Then there is a 1912 dress and an early 17th century man’s suit that I haven’t pattern and fabric for yet, though I will need to make them for next year anyway. I do have some gorgeous blue/green shot taffeta that might work for a Titanic dress, though.
Of course, I have a couple of unfinished garments from the 1940’s wardrobe-project too:
Green house dress Buttons, belt and hemming left.
Black wool dress In the process of basting it together
Brown hat
White shirtwaist dress Buttons and hemming left to do
Rayon dress Same as the shirtwaist.
As for fabric and patterns I have everything I need for making a grey shirtwaist dress in wool, a brown fake fur, a black beret and a brown sports jacket. And that is just for the autumn/winter wardrobe! Coming up for spring/summer is a brown silk suit, a yellow/white ensemble, a green silk blouse, a dotted evening gown and a raincoat. There is also a grey suit and a spring coat, but I will buy those.
So you can see that I have quite a few projects to finish the next year. Though now when I look at it I can see that a lot have just the finishing touches left. Can you tell that I loath to hem? I’m not sure in which order I should tackle my UFOs though. Perhaps I should start with those projects that are almost done, and then I can strike a few things off my list and feel accomplished.
Isn't it funny, the point at which a project can stall? Sometimes sooo close to being done? I am so silly about that sometimes!
So familiar. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a list that long. Best of luck with all that!
I can't count how many projects I've *almost* finished... Good luck, and I look forward to seeing how your projects progress!
Rowenna. I agree. And often it is such a silly thing that don't take long to complete at all. But just because you don't enjoy doing it, it feels like it's going to take forever!
Comtesse Olympe: Thank you! And I'm glad I'm not alone!
Sari: Thank you!
Can't wait to see it!!!
Lauren: :) Well, eventually...
You're brave, I'm afraid to list all my languishing projects!
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