Now I have been given a brown cape that is much nicer, so I suddenly have one cape too many. And it was just the cape I wasn't pleased with, not the wool and its lovely red colour, I know have quite a loit of wool thta can be wade into something else. The question is, what? A jacket of some sort, but I feel a need of ideas on what shape and century its going to be. Any ideas?
That does look like gorgeous fabric, indeed! I can't help but picture it as a hooded 18th century jacket - but then I have always loved the Little Red Riding Hood story...
wool! Late 16th, early 17th c. jacket? Or...ooo ooo! 18th c. riding coat, like the Snowshill one?
That would make a lovely hooded jacket! Or a longer, caraco-ish jacket for wintertime. Or crop it into a short cloak with sweet little arm slits :)
Gentlewomanthief: Actually, I do have a hood for the cape that I never got around to put on the cape. I think it will go on the jacket... :-D
American Duchess: I was thinking riding coat, but I have a grey faux suede fabric that I have earmarked for that.
Rowennea: Yes, I think so too.
So, I'm almost positive that it will be a hooded jacket with an embroidered stomacher. :-D
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