Of course there will be a night-cap too, and a matching waistcoat, probably in the taffeta. I have also ordered striped taffeta in grey and white to make a robe battante for me. We will be a very colour-coordinated couple in the 18th century mornings. I really love the way the striped are matched in this picture, so I will try to get that.

And, despite me saying that I shouldn’t just buy fabric until I’m going to need it, I’ve ordered some lovely shot taffeta in blue and green. I’m not going to tell you what I want to do with that, not until that project is actually started…
Talking about projects, I have a little too may, I know that. The problem is that I haven’t given up on any of them, but I feel I do need to finish a little more of them. Moving un-earthed the candy-pink taffeta which I had quite forgotten about, so I think I shall try to finish that first. The petticoat is all but done apart from one row of green and the mock-up for the jacket is pretty much finished, so that really shouldn’t take so much time.

What I would finish first, if I only could, are my stays. I STILL haven’t found the left-over fabric for the shoulder straps. It’s very annoying! I promise, it will be in the very last box I unpack! Probably along my indoor slipper, shich I haven’t found yet either.
I'm so envious that Janne wants a costume too!
And after reading your stripe debacle post, and coming back and looking at the image of the inspiration batante, I don't think 8 inches are too, too wide to get away with. And you could always piece it. Or am I insane?
Yeah, it's so much fun! Though to be fair, he was into it before we were an item. :-)
It is too wide, believe me. The sleeves wouldn't be striped, it would have two colours. :/. But I've found a lovely pink striped one with 1,5 inch stripes that will be a battante- eventually.
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