All the silk I have ordered are on its way to me! Cloudy grey taffeta for Janne’s banyan. It will be lined with pearl grey satin and will, in fact, be reversible, like this one:

Of course there will be a night-cap too, and a matching waistcoat, probably in the taffeta. I have also ordered striped taffeta in grey and white to make a robe battante for me. We will be a very colour-coordinated couple in the 18th century mornings. I really love the way the striped are matched in this picture, so I will try to get that.

And, despite me saying that I shouldn’t just buy fabric until I’m going to need it, I’ve ordered some lovely shot taffeta in blue and green. I’m not going to tell you what I want to do with that, not until that project is actually started…
Talking about projects, I have a little too may, I know that. The problem is that I haven’t given up on any of them, but I feel I do need to finish a little more of them. Moving un-earthed the candy-pink taffeta which I had quite forgotten about, so I think I shall try to finish that first. The petticoat is all but done apart from one row of green and the mock-up for the jacket is pretty much finished, so that really shouldn’t take so much time.

What I
would finish first, if I only could, are my stays. I STILL haven’t found the left-over fabric for the shoulder straps. It’s very annoying! I promise, it will be in the very last box I unpack! Probably along my indoor slipper, shich I haven’t found yet either.