January saw my only complete work, the 1790's outfit, made for the 12th Night ball. At least the one thing I completed is something that I'm really pleased with!

The bag was my first try at ribbon embroidery and spangles.

I also finished the embroideries on my embroidered polonaise and also started to sew it together.

During late winter and spring I very nearly finished a pair of stays. I only needed to attach the shoulder straps and bind them when I moved. I packed the piece of silk for the straps in a safe place. So safe that it hasn't turned up in the unpacking and I think that I might have thrown it away, despite it all. So I will bind them and make them strapless, even if I didn't want them to be that. After all, it is possible to attach the straps if the fabric ever shows up. And it would be a pity to let all the hard work go to nothing.

I have worked on, on and off:
A mid-17th century gown. The underlayer of the bodice is finished and the next step is to cover it with the silk.
A robe battante. A first version was almost done when I scrapped it due to time restraints. The second was scrapped due to me not being able to read and comprehend and ordered taffeta with 8 inch wide stripes instead of 8 centimetres...
A bustle in grey fake taffeta- it only needs the metal bands inserted and the waist finished.
A pink 1770's jacket with green trimmings. The trimmings and a stomacher are left to do.
Two modern, well fifties, wool skirts that just need the waist and the hemming finished. I loathe hemming...
A fifties sheath dress in green wool, that I have just cut out.