Here she is in brown, with the equally lovely Nathalie in blue. Caroline's French gown is actually quite ingenious- here it is shortened to fit over pocket hoops, but can also be worn over a grand panier.

Anna, the beautiful birthday child, in a brand new gown to honour the occasion, and her husband.

Me and my darling. I'm in the unhappy position right now that almost all of my 18th century clothes won't fit me. Not that I don't like my pierrot, but it isn't particulary festive.

And I had mislaid my false rump...

A better view on my darling in his national suit.

Dancing and the back view of Anna S in her French gown, the one I told you are one of the most beautiful 18th century gowns I have ever seen.

You can see a glimpse of the front in this picture.

Playing "Domaredansen" ("The Judge Dance") a game probably invented to give people an opportunity to hug each other.

You play it in forming two rings, the inner has all the men, the outer all the women and one woman is the stand in the middle. You can change so all the men is in the outer ring, but you must play in with equal numer of men and women + an extra woman, or man, to stand in the middle. One rings walks clockwise and the other counter clockwise, while singing a special song, but when the music stops then everyone in the outer ring is to grab a person from the inner one. As do the one in the middle. The person who doesn't manage to hug someone is the one who has to stand in the middle the next round.