Hello, hello. I’m back from my vacation and a very nice vacation it has been too. I haven’t sewn as much as I had planned, but as I hadn’t any deadline, that’s fine. I’ve tinkered with my cotton-candy jacket- right now I’m setting the sleeves. I’ve made a pattern for an early 18th century jacket and I worked quite a bit on my embroidered linen gown.
We did have occasion to dress up though, as the out of door museum Skansen had their annual 18th century weeks. We spent all weekend in 18th century clothes.

Janne on the staircase of the 18th century city house belonging to the family Tottie. Unfortunately it wasn’t open.

Outside the manor house of Skogaholm.

And in the garden.

Two gentlemen in the rose garden.

Anna and the rose.

Smoking a clay pipe.

Peeking into the gazebo of Emmanuel Swedenborg. No spirits in sight, though.

In the hall of Skogaholm’s manor house, waiting for a concert.

Isis the crocodile…

It was a lovely concert! Mostly Bellman with cembalo and lute and singing.

When not looking corny, Janne quite look like Gustaf III in 18th century clothes.