
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Saturday blogaround

Last year I did a weekly blogaround that was quite popular, but then I was ill for two months and lost steam and stopped. Now I’m starting it out again. There are so many great posts out there and so easy to miss the good ones. And as it makes very happy whenever someone point at my blogs, I hope to make some other people happy in return.
Tea with the Vintage Baroness does a wonderful recap of her vintage year. Her 1930’s wardrobe simply marvelous.
Another great 30’s blog, This Old Life, shares how she made her aviatrix coat.
And to keep up with the vintage theme, Diary of a Mantua Maker do sew other things than just 18th century.
Lots of teens fashion can be seen at My Happy Sewing Place.
Rowenna asks if if re-enactors really are mean (no, we are not) and makes some interesting points.

And to bang my own drum a little, perhaps some of you would enjoy this little overview on the fashion silhouettes from the Edwardians to the 1950’s.


  1. Thank you for sharing some wonderful links! I have been in a costuming funk, even though I actually have the time to costume for the first time in a few months... After perusing some of these posts, I feel a bit of inspiration coming on!

  2. Sari: Glad to help! I know, sometimes you just get into a funk for no good reason.
