
Thursday, 19 May 2011

Red stays

My first pair of properly fitting stays, front- and back-laced with an additional stomacher. The pattern is similar to the picture but taken from Norah Waugh’s Corsets and Crinolines. It’s my second try to that particular pattern, but the first one was very sloppily done and more of a mock-up than finished stays. This pair is made of two layers of linen and boned with stripes of the kind of plastic that windshields of MC helmets are made off. In the back some of the boning is replaced with hemp cord, which made these fully boned stays to breathe a little. The stays are boned with linen tape, which may be period correct, but a complete hassle to sew.

The fit was pretty good, but the back was too wide and they were a bit difficult to lace as the stomacher was so wide on top.

Ice cream-cone, anyone?


  1. This pattern is next on my list! Are they comfortable?

  2. Jo: Yes, very comfortable!

  3. Fabulous! I'm so envious of your 18th century figure. Sigh. What year is the pattern?

  4. Thanks Dreamstress! :D The pattern is from 1930-1740, but I have seen later stays with basically teh same pattern.

  5. Erm, obviously I meant 1730...

  6. Oooh...early 18th century! Yay! I'm on the hunt for pre 1760s stay patterns.
