
Thursday, 13 November 2014

Embroidery and jacket update

After two weeks of sewing I need to attach the sleeves, basque and cuffs. I have the day off tomorrow when I plan to sew that, apart from the cuffs which will have to wait. I have also done quite a lot of the embroidery- so much fun! I think I may be finished in two weeks after all.

Friday, 7 November 2014

An extant robe de cour bodice in Sweden

The museum Nordiska in Stockholm has a large collection of costume related items and though a lot can be found at Digitalt museum, not everything has any photos. However, only recently pictures of a robe de cour bodice has come up and I am sure that will interest many of you. The four robe de cour’s preserved at Livrustkammaren were made for weddings and coronations and are quite sumptuous. This bodice is much plainer, though it is cut in the same style, a fully boned bodice, laced in the back with short sleeves. It is dated to 1770-79 and is made of white silk drouget (a Swedish article on this kind of silk can be found here.), probably produced in Sweden. The silk is cut and sewn together from nine pattern pieces.

The lining is made from coarse unbleached linen, boned with whalebone, though it is reinforced with vertical iron boning along the top front and there is also an iron busk. There is probably a layer of glued paper between lining and the silk fabric.
The short sleeves are made of ten small pieces and are pleated.
At the waist there is a thin cord meant to attach the trail.